The centre of of education seeks to brings about the full flowering and perfection of the fourfold aspects of the human personality .It sets before it the following objectives.
(1) To make the childs body
healthy, strong,able,agile and enduring through physical
education so that it will be the expression of a perfect beauty
& harmony.
(2) To make his vital, the life force, a vehicle of invincible
power and strength through training of the senses and mastery
over character.
(3) To enrich his mind with powers of concentration,
expansion,organisation of ideas ,throught control & mental
silence so as to make it a fit receptable of infallible
(4) To provide an atmosphere to help the child to discover his
psychic being the vehicle of true & pure love and thus enable
the child to share a higher and vaster life.
(An Educational wing of Sri
Aurobindo sadhana kara)
(Guided by New Life Education Trust. Affiliation -
(Class I to VIII UDICE Code No-1302071)
(Recognized by director elementary Education Recognition
code - No-BMC 036,Dt-16.10.2001)
(Class - IX to X School Code 323BB,)
(Board of secondary Education ,Odisha ,Recognition No
-194 Dt-27.01.2009)
Contact us - 9437144238